Welcome to the web home of Trory and Killadeas parish. We use two churches
for worship. St. Michaels Church at Trory which was totally resored and
refurbished in 2008 with a new heating system installed in 2009 a year which saw
the enlargement of the parish car park. In 2010 a new electronic organ was
installed to supplement the church organ.
The historic Devenish round tower which is located very close to St.
Michael's, Trory.
Our other place of worship is The Priory Church, Killadeas. This is built on
an ancient monastic site dating well over 1000 years. The present Church
dates from the 1880's. The parish have dedicated a parish hall at the rear of
the church in 2010.
The Rector and some of the confirmation class
photographed around the Cross slab stone in the Priory Church grounds. This is a
sign of a church with a monastic (Culdees) origin.
We as a parochial group are proud of the long heritage of our parishes. The
true dates of the founding of Christian witness on both sites has been lost to
history and yet we give thanks for our past and are most aware of the Communion
of Saints gone before.
However today we aim to build a community of the faithful open to all
pilgrims and regard ourselves as having the responsibility of handing onward the
faith of God- Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Our calling is to instill in all we
do the hand of God be that in our worship and devotions or in our lives and