Plans for the future
Our plans for the future are to secure effective long term witness for
the faith in the communities which call our parish home. This we
believe comes from a vision of our church as being part of the
community in terms of giving it a spiritual focus and a voice. We for
example have concerns over road safety in the parish area and lack of
community facilities but we also stress the need for mission giving in
terms of time and money.

It is our hope that we can provide both parish centres with halls to
enhance parochial life. Killadeas are now consolidating financially after
almost £100000 of expenditure on the new parish hall. Trory after
restoring the Parish Church have extending their car parking
facilities. Despite disappointment in being turned down for planning for a
new parish hall on our original site work is in place to go forward with
another proposed site when finance becomes available.
We believe in a future for our churches because we have a calling from
the Saviour to say that people of good will and faith believe in
the Christian community and family. This is best done in an
environment in which the best traditions of Anglican worship are treasured
and used. |